Registration is Closed for Spring 2022
Click to see the PowerPoint summary that was reviewed during the info session on February 24, 2022.
Tackle: 7-14 years olds
Flag: 5-6 years olds
Note: Team assignment based on your student-athlete's age as of July 31, 2022.
14U is closed for registration.
Starts Tuesday, March 1
March - Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays | 6 pm-8 pm
April & May - Tuesdays and Thursdays
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Winget Park, Field#2
12025 Winget Rd Charlotte, NC 28278
All practice dates/times are weather-permitting and must remain in compliance with local/state COVID restrictions.
GAME SCHEDULE (updated 2/12/22)
Certification & Jamboree: April 2 @ Olympic HS (see Age Verification section)
Week 1: April 9 @ TBD
Week 2: April 23 @ TBD
Week 3: April 30 @ TBD
Week 4: May 7 @ TBD
Playoffs: May 14 & May 15 @ TBD
Championship: May 21 @ TBD
Note: Next Level Spartans cannot guarantee a schedule if impacted by league changes and/or COVID-19 restrictions.
Due by March 1
Flag: $100/student/athlete
Tackle: $175/student-athlete
Registration fees are non-refundable
Last names on jerseys will only be available to those who paid registration in full by deadline (All others will receive a jersey with "Spartans."
Non-payment by the deadline will automatically cancel your registration
Carefully consider the uncertainty of the pandemic before choosing to register your student-athlete. If practice/games are impacted, we will not be able to refund fees.
Parents/guardians will need to provide personal use items:
Purchase by March 1
7 piece padded football pants (black)
Football cleats (any color)
Solid white t-shirt (worn under jersey)
Solid white socks
Additional mouthpieces, as needed
NL Spartans will provide the use of the following equipment that must be returned at the end of the season:
Shoulder Pads
Practice Jerseys
Game Jerseys
Game Pants
Mouthpiece (one is complimentary to keep)
Equipment will only be issued after the full registration fee has been paid.
Due by March 1
Please ask a medical provider to complete the medical clearance form to certify your student-athlete is cleared to practice and compete in tackle football ASAP. This is due before the first day of practice and may be emailed to nextlevelspartans@gmail.com or brought with you on the first day.
NEW DATE: Certification is Saturday, April 2 (Time TBD)
Olympic High School
4301 Sandy Porter Rd, Charlotte, NC 28273
Must bring one of the following to certify age:
Preferred option: State-issued ID card (Review DMV site for details before going)
Or Certified birth certificate (original only - copies are not allowed)
Note: The use of birth certificates is for Spring 2022 only and may not apply in the Fall. State IDs are always preferred and can be used for multiple purposes for several years.
Parents are responsible for all transportation to and from practices and games.
Parents are responsible for all travel expenses associated with any post-season playoff games and/or championship games. Dates, locations, and times to be announced as soon as posted by the league.
NL Spartans will not be responsible or liable for any issues arising out of transportation or other personal arrangements that parents/guardians make with coaches and/or other parents.
If you, your student-athlete, or other close family member or friend has a fever, cough, or related symptom of the virus, DO NOT attend practice or games. Please stay home and send a text that you will be out.
If you or your student-athlete has been exposed to COVID or tested positive, please notify the team ASAP.
We ask that you practice social distancing when interacting with coaches and each other.
County/state guidelines pertaining to COVID-19 will be followed.